Shogan et al (2006)

Supplemental Data from:

Shogan B, Kruse L, Mulamba GB, Hu A, Coen DM.2006. "Virucidal activity of a GT-rich oligonucleotide against herpes simplex virus mediated by glycoprotein B." J Virol. 80(10):4740-7 (Pubmed)

Supplemental FIG 1. Susceptibilities of wild-type KOS to two phosphorothioate oligonucleotides. Plaque reduction assays with ISIS 2922 (filled squares) and ISIS 5652 (open squares) were performed as described in the text. Results presented are the mean of a single experiment done in duplicate and are representative of three independent experiments. Error bars represent standard errors of the means. Error bars are not presented for standard errors of the means that were too small to be visible on the plots.

Supplemental FIG 2. Preliminary mapping of resistance to 5652. Plaque reduction assays with ISIS 5652 were performed as described in the text with wild type strain KOS (X's), a virus reconstituted with cosmids derived from 5652r-1 (filled diamonds), a virus reconstituted from the KOS-derived cosmids plus 5652r-1 cosmid D6 (open circles), and a virus reconstituted from 5652r-1 cosmids D6 and A4 plus the KOS-derived cosmids except for scKOS-20.